BOTTOM LINE: When everything falls apart, only the peace of God can piece your life back together.


Mario Cart – Lap 3 music!


[Intro Message] At this point in the school year, the music speeds up!

  • Late/missing assignments; finals; ACT and college stuff
  • Drama has reached a fever pitch
  • Senioritis is a real thing
  • Family stuff still happens, and the pressure makes it worse.
  • Ironically, the speeding up can make you depressed and hopeless.

When you lose hope, nothing else matters.

When everything falls apart, only the peace of God can piece your life back together.


Scripture: Psalm 3

Background – 2 Samuel 15:23, 30-31

  • Explain David and how he fits into redemption history.
  • King David had to flee because his son Absalom was leading an insurrection against him.
  • David’s immoral past came back to haunt him in the form of his sons. He was running for his life, being pursued by his own son.
  • David was scared, fearful, in pain, abandoned, and, likely, depressed.
  • David exhibits signs of depression in some of the other Psalms he authored, too.
  • This is called a “morning hymn.” Before there could be a morning there had to be a night.

1. David admitted his troubles (v.1-2).

  • Many! Many! Many!
    1. “The conspiracy grew strong, and the people with Absalom kept increasing” (2 Sam. 15:12).

Troubles are like ducks…they always waddle over in groups.

Recognized where he was in his state of depression. (It’s ok to not be ok)

He was honest with himself, with God, and with others (his readers).

His troubles were many: “The world was against him.” The world had written him off.

  • The world as a system will always be against you.
  • Your flesh/body desires what’s contrary to the Spirit (Gal. 5:17).

Satan has turned deception into an art form, the “Father of Lies” (John 8:44).

Some of his troubles were of his own making.

Some of his troubles were out of his control.

People were even doubting that God could deliver him. People have always mocked faith.

  • Did they throw his sins back into his face?
  • Did they just mock God in general?

Selah – PAUSE. (Really think this through and meditate upon it)

2. David affirmed his trust in God (v.3-4).

BIG “BUT” –You, Lord, are… (Jehova, a derivative of Yaweh, God’s covenant name)

  • No matter what’s going on, God IS

(1) A Shield. He provided protection for David all night long. David wouldn’t need protection if he didn’t have an enemy. God being a shield dealt with the real life circumstances in David’s life.

  • magen used here normally refers to a smaller round shield held in the hand, but God provided complete protection.
  • Psalm 139:5 – “You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.”
  • He protects us from things we don’t see. He protects us from ourselves.

(2) My Glory. David bore heavy shame. The adulterer’s chickens came home to roost. He was a king on the run, with no kingdom. He was abandoned by his own son. Everyone was talking about him. He was the butt of every joke. 

“So in our context, when the psalmist’s own glory is under attack, he recognizes that his only hope is in the unimpeachable honor and dignity supplied and guaranteed by Yahweh alone[1]

  • Three parts of human glory in God:
    • The general dignity of being created in his image (everyone).
    • The specific honor of being a child of God (Saved).
    • When we’re suffering, we’re like Jesus who crossed the same brook (Kedron) on his way to the cross. 

(3) Lifter of My Head. God was the only one strong enough to lift David’s head up during the darkest hour of his life. If God can bear the weight of the world, he is strong enough to lift your head. 

  • To lift one’s own head, by contrast, is to be guilty of pride and arrogance[2]
  • What the beleaguered psalmist is looking for is a public demonstration of support from Yahweh in the presence of the enemies’ onslaught[3]
  • When the meds, bf/gf, trying harder, and hurting can’t pull you out…
  • David returns to this point continually through the Psalms.

“I cry aloud and he answered me…” (v.4)

  • Better translated in the conditional: “Whenever I cry aloud…he answers me.”
  • God always hears and he always answers.
  • His holy hill – Contrast between the Mount of Olives and the throne of God?
  • Peace is a prayer away!

3. David anticipated deliverance (v.5-8).

Watch the progression of David’s soul re-awakening…

David celebrated the “little things.” When battling depression, little victories are BIG.

  • “Sometimes, I ask you to pray big prayers. Tonight, I’m asking you to walk with God, one little prayer at a time.”
  • Answered prayer (v.4)
  • Peaceful sleep (v. 5, 4:8)
  • A new day (v.5)
  • Courage (v.6)

Future hope of deliverance (v.7-8)

There will be a day with no depression (Rev. 21:4)

God can break even the toughest strongholds.

God can deliver from impossible situations.

When everything falls apart, only the peace of God can piece your life back together.

Salvation Segue: The greatest obstacle in David’s life was not rebellion against his kingdom; it was personal sin that separated him from God’s peace. The good news is that David had already dealt with his sin by trusting God to forgive him. He looked forward to God’s promise of a Savior and banked everything on it. Is life falling apart? Do you want the peace that David had? You can leave the room tonight with the peace of God. Jesus already did the heart part; he paid the penalty for sin by dying in your place on the cross. The only thing separating you from an eternal life with God that starts now and lasts forever is the decision you need to make about Jesus. Will you trust Jesus tonight? In a minute, you’ll have the opportunity to trust Jesus as your Savior. 


#1 – Distinguish between facts and feelings.

Admit your troubles.

#2 – Double down on friendships.

Find a good friend to remind you of the truth.

  • David reached out to God. Reach out to God, and reach out to someone you trust.
  • Please talk!

Be a good friend.

  • You can’t keep every secret. If someone is thinking about hurting themselves or someone else, get help now.
  • This is one of the few times you should narc on your friends.

#3 – Don’t neglect fitness.

Take care of your body. Glorify God in your body (1 Cor. 6:20)

David slept…why can’t you sleep?

#4 – Decide about faith.

The only thing worse than having your life fall apart is having your life fall apart without a Savior to put it back together.

Do you know you have a relationship with God through Jesus? Do you know you’re going to go to heaven someday? Would right now you recognize you’re a sinner in need of a Savior? Would you trust in Jesus right now to give you eternal life? You can say this simple, silent prayer in your heart right now to God:

Dear God, I know I’m a sinner; I know I can’t save myself by my own efforts. But, I believe that Jesus died in my place for my sin. I trust in him alone to forgive me for my sins and give me eternal life. I receive the free gift of eternal life by faith right now. Thank you for saving me.

If you just trusted in Jesus based on his death on the cross in your place because of your sins – you’re saved – not because you said a prayer, but because you trusted in Jesus. [TEXT “YES” TO 304-208-8066]

[1] Gerald H. Wilson, Psalms, vol. 1 of The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002), 131.

[2] Gerald H. Wilson, Psalms, vol. 1 of The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002), 131.

[3] Gerald H. Wilson, Psalms, vol. 1 of The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002), 131.