Interview DR Team

  • Audience questions
  • What was the biggest adjustment while living in the DR?
  • What was your favorite part of the trip?
  • Would you go again?
  • What was the food like? The hotel?
  • Where did you see God working on the trip?
  • What would you tell a teen who’s on the fence about joining our DR team next Summer?

This small group did a lot of cool things.


Small groups/cliques among Christians: Good or bad?

  • Feeling “IN”
  • Feeling “OUT”

Who’s in your clique, and how are you working together to change the world?


Acts 9: Saul’s story

  • Began by killing Christians (9:1-2)
  • Met Jesus and became a Christian (9:3-19)
  • Baptized (9:18)
  • Began sharing the gospel (9:20)
  • Became one of the most effective Christians in history, but he didn’t do it alone.

Saul always had a clique. Let’s look at three kinds of friends you need in your friend group…

  1. A Barnabas (A friend who’s a seasoned Christian.)
  2. His name was Joseph, but he was known as Barnabas, which means “Son of Encouragement.” (4:36)
  3. He had a kind, generous spirit (4:47).
  4. He reached out to Paul when no one else would (9:26-28).
  • “Took him” – Committed to helping him
  • “Brought him – He’s w/me
  • Saw ministry potential in Paul, and took him on mission trips (11:22-25).
  • Antioch, Cyprus, Pisidia Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Antioch (ch.13-14)
  • They dealt w/doctrinal disputes together (ch.15).
  • Barnabas believed in his cousin John Mark, even when others didn’t (15:36-40).
  • Paul saw John Mark as an unnecessary risk.
  • Barnabas saw John Mark as a brother in Christ in need of encouragement.
  • Paul from prison: “Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry” (2 Tim. 4:11).

Barnabas didn’t care about his reputation. He put others first. He was concerned about the lost. He took “risks” on young Christians. He was committed to good doctrine.

Who is your Barnabas?

  • Here are mine: 
  • Who is yours?
  • A Timothy (A friend who’s a young Christian.)
  • Timothy was young (1 Tim. 4:12), timid (1 Tim. 1:7), in poor health (1 Tim. 5:23), and racially-diverse (16:1). His mom was a Christian but his dad wasn’t.
  • Paul “took him” like Barnabas did himself (16:3).
  • He had potential – “well spoken of”
  • Paul served together w/him and taught him everything he knew.
  • 3 phases of their relationship:
  • Parenthood (1 Tim. 1:2) “My true child in the faith”
  • Pace-setting (2 Tim. 3:10-11) “You have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life…”
  • Partnering (Rom. 16:21) “Timothy, my fellow worker…”
  • Paul’s vision: Timothy would find younger Christians to disciple. (2 Tim. 2:2)What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”

That’s why so many former students have come back to Refuel (me too).

Who is your Timothy?

  • A friend you’re trying to reach w/the gospel.
  • The relationships don’t happen in a coffee shop, they happen on the mission field/war zone. Look at the context of Paul’s clique.
  • My Barnabas/Paul/Timothy relationships happened in the media ministry, on mission trips, at soccer practice, and on Sunday morning.
  • Cliques: Good or bad?
  • Jesus clique started the church.
  • Paul’s clique took the gospel around the world.
  • What’s your clique doing?
  • Our friends will either advance the gospel mission with us, or distract us from it.
  • We have ONE SHOT, one life to reach our friends with the gospel. Why are we wasting it?

Gary Hale – “Only three things will last forever: God, His Word, and the souls of men and women. Prioritize your life accordingly.”

  • Choose your friends accordingly.
  • Reach your unsaved friends accordingly.

Who are you trying to reach with the gospel?


#1 – Find a Barnabas.

  • Someone who is faithful and consistent, but not perfect.
  • Church is a good place – the best place!
  • Instead of asking them to coffee, ask if you can serve with them.

ACTION: Text your Barnabas “Thank you.”

#2 – Find a Timothy.

  • The ideal Timothy is F.A.T.
  • Where can I find them? Look around.
  • “Take” them like Barnabas did to Paul, and Paul did to Timothy.
  • Grow in Jesus together. Invite them to serve.

ACTION: Find someone tonight.

#3 – Find someone to reach, together.

  • Invite someone to our “Not-So-Traditional” Thanksgiving Dinner. Attach a name to that invite card!
  • Pray about joining our DR team text year.

ACTION: Prayer time

  • Name a friend who is unsaved or running from God. Pray for an opportunity to invite them to our outreach next week.
  • Call on Jesus for salvation.